What Size Draping Panels To Use For Backdrops (2 Tips for Beginners)

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Published at : September 21, 2021

Do you wanna learn premium draping but keep getting tripped up by not knowing what size draping panels to get?
I can't tell you how many questions I get asking that same question. The only real answer is that it should be long enough to create a puddle in your design and not have highwaters.

In this video, I'll tell you what size draping panels to use for backdrops.
So, watch the full video and give a thumbs up.

If you want to discover EVEN more about premium draping,
join this channel's memberships for exclusive perks, tutorials and live broadcast: 👉 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJmCeB7Bc1spzCgZR5VtUNQ/join

Visit: https://www.learnpremiumdraping.com for all our draping services.

☆ ----- ITEMS USED IN OUR VIDEOS ----- ☆
💥 Premium Draping kits: https://www.learnpremiumdraping.com/draping-equipment
💥 Premium Fabric Options: https://www.learnpremiumdraping.com/fabric

😵 So you want to know more about pipe and drape, I did too, and here are other videos I created on that topic.
👉🏼 How to Easily Price Your Pipe and Drape Backdrops https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AamHACId6RE
👉🏼 Best Fabric for Backdrops and Premium Draping: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lG5DmPvhAiU
👉🏼 How to Design A Multi-layered Backdrop with 1 Crossbar: https://youtu.be/y8R6K_qU-C8
👉🏼 How to assemble a pipe and drape kit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BC07U...
👉🏼 How to create a canopy: https://youtu.be/krAlaj95CI0
👉🏼 Best backdrop kit for easy transporting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vk6Oo...

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Try out my FREE intro to draping course here for 3 days 👉🏼 https://www.learnpremiumdraping.com/freetrial

Check our tour dates for a city near you here https://bit.ly/drapetour


☆ ----- Connect with me ----- ☆
Website | https://www.learnpremiumdraping.com
Instagram | https://www.//instagram.com/theposhacademy
Facebook | https://facebook.com/theposhacademy
Clubhouse | @preciousstevens
Private learning community https://bit.ly/Poshfbgroup


A full-time entrepreneur who teaches event professionals how to make more money doing what they love by attracting higher-paying clients through premium draping and common core marketing strategies. This channel shares tips, tricks, and resources on how I built my 6-figure business in less than 2 years doing what I love. If you are looking to take your creative business to the next level, let's chat about ways I can help you do just that! 👉🏼 https://www.planning2profit.com/ask-precious

For Business: Ads, Mentions, Unboxing, Posts, Collabs, or Reviews: Email info@preciousstevens.com

Disclaimer* Some affiliate links are used that allow you to find the items mentioned in this video & support the channel at no cost to you. While the channel may earn minimal sums when the viewer uses the link, the viewer is in no way obligated to use these links. Thanks for all your support!

#pipeanddrape #eventdraping #howtosetupabackdrop #backdrop
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- What Size Draping Panels To Use For Backdrops (2 Tips for Beginners)
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