Faculty Recital - Steven Tharp, accompanied by Janice Wenger

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Published at : October 09, 2021

The University of Missouri School of Music proudly presents a faculty recital, featuring Prof. Steven Tharp, tenor and accompanied by Dr. Janice Wenger.

Steven Tharp, Tenor
Janice Wenger, Fortepiano

October 10, 2021 • 3:00PM
Whitmore Recital Hall


Sailor’s Song, Hob. XXVIa:31
Piercing Eyes, Hob. XXVIa:35
She Never Told Her Love, Hob. XXVIa:34
Fidelity, Hob. XXVIa:30
- Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809)

Adelaide, Op. 46
Goethe-Lieder, Op. 83
Wonne der Wehmut
Mit einem gemalten Band
- Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)

Aus Goethes Faust, Op. 75, No. 3
- Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)


Auf dem Wasser zu Singen, D.774
Am Fenster, D.878
Drang in die Ferne, D.770
Totengräbers Heimweh, D.842
Das Zügenglöcklein, D.871
Der Zwerg, D.771
Vor meiner Wiege, D.927
Waldesnacht, D.708
- Franz Schubert (1797-1828)

The fortepiano used for this program is a reproduction of a Viennese
instrument built by Anton Walter circa 1802. It was created in 2006 by Paul McNulty, an American working in
the Czech Republic.

Digital Program and Event Information:

- Friends of Music Scholarship -
Donations to the Friends of Music are used exclusively for music scholarships.

- Intro Music -
"Juan Sánchez - Now The Silence" is under a Creative Commons (cc-by) license
Music promoted by BreakingCopyright: https://bit.ly/b-now-the-silence

If you would like more information about the Missouri School of Music and the Community Music Program, please visit our website at: http://music.missouri.edu

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youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/universityofmissourischoolofmusic Faculty Recital - Steven Tharp, accompanied by Janice Wenger
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