Incredible Battles Involving Large Snakes
Published at : October 14, 2021
Snakes scare the living daylights out of most people, especially me. Maybe it’s because I don’t fully understand their behavior, but they are still fascinating to me. Have you ever seen a python hunt a lion? Do you know what a black mamba is? If you want to see some vicious snakes in action, keep watching as we countdown 12 incredible battles involving large snakes.
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Watch our “15 Amazing Wild Animal Attacks, The Danger Of Surviving In Wild!!”
video here: https://youtu.be/hrUIdYEikuc
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Watch our “15 Epic And Deadliest Hunts By Wild Animals”
video here:https://youtu.be/O4xClHAbp2A
King Cobra
Here is a brave little snake challenging a King Cobra. I don’t know about you, but I’m thinking this snake has no clue how powerful a King Cobra is. The king cobra is much bigger, but this snake holds its ground. They stare at one another for a moment or two and then the cobra strikes the snake, but I think it misses. Suddenly, the snake leaves and so does the cobra. Can someone please explain to me what just happened in the comments below? Thank youThis Golden King cobra strikes a python in an aquarium. Why would someone put these two snakes inside a small aquarium?
Because he’s a sadistic individual who likes to use animals for his personal entertainment. Surprisingly enough, it’s the cobra that eats the python and not the other way around. After hours of waiting, this king cobra finally gets a ride from this Komodo dragon. The Cobra had been hitchhiking and the Komodo was nice enough to pick it up. But the snake, pretending to be nice at first, tried killing the Komodo. I’m surprised the Komodo hasn’t eaten the snake yet. The Komodo doesn’t seem to be in pain, but it’s not doing anything to get out of this situation either. A venomous cobra leaves its lair, drawn to the scent of hatching crocodile eggs. When it comes upon the nest, the Cobra discovers another predator is already on the premises. A monitor lizard stands his ground and isn’t going to give the Cobra an inch without a fight.
He tells the snake it’s “finders keepers”, even though the snake is venomous, it doesn’t bother the reptile. They both size each other up and then try to intimidate the other by increasing their size. The cobra is poised to strike, and with that, the monitor lizard retreats, but not before taking a parting shot at the Cobra. The Cobra has the egg dinner all to itself, only the shells are empty. The monitor lizard has the last laugh this time. The battle was over even before it began. This King Cobra attacks this monitor lizard and eventually injects its venom into the lizard, before swallowing it whole starting with the lizard’s head.
Python Vs Leopard
This leopard is no longer the lone assassin on the loose. There's a new dangerous animal on the loose, and it's approaching. The leopard returns home when the hunt fails and calls her youngster, but there is no response. Something isn't right. The leopard recognizes the killer in less than a second, an African rock python. As she attacks her cub's killer, the female leopard puts her own life in jeopardy. The python hides among the thorns, but the leopard is undeterred. Her perseverance comes off at long last. The leopard is ready for the following round after the injured python finally moves. She waits until the python exits the cave. But there isn't a fight. The snake is forced to give up its well-earned meal due to a built-in reflex.
When pythons are under duress, they regurgitate their meal to shed the excess weight and make a quick escape. The leopard has given up the attack and has discovered her dead cub, which the python has left behind. These two leopards appear to have discovered something wriggling in the undergrowth in this video. A closer look reveals it to be a python. Cats will constantly tap on something they are unfamiliar with, whether it is a huge cat or a domestic cat, just to get an idea of what it is. One of these leopards then rolls around on the floor, as if it wants to play with the python, but it quickly understands the python is not a toy and bolts.
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Watch our “15 Amazing Wild Animal Attacks, The Danger Of Surviving In Wild!!”
video here: https://youtu.be/hrUIdYEikuc
Watch our “15 Moments Of Animals Brutally Eating Their Prey Alive”
video here: https://youtu.be/ZO1862c-xiE
Watch our “15 Epic And Deadliest Hunts By Wild Animals”
video here:https://youtu.be/O4xClHAbp2A
King Cobra
Here is a brave little snake challenging a King Cobra. I don’t know about you, but I’m thinking this snake has no clue how powerful a King Cobra is. The king cobra is much bigger, but this snake holds its ground. They stare at one another for a moment or two and then the cobra strikes the snake, but I think it misses. Suddenly, the snake leaves and so does the cobra. Can someone please explain to me what just happened in the comments below? Thank youThis Golden King cobra strikes a python in an aquarium. Why would someone put these two snakes inside a small aquarium?
Because he’s a sadistic individual who likes to use animals for his personal entertainment. Surprisingly enough, it’s the cobra that eats the python and not the other way around. After hours of waiting, this king cobra finally gets a ride from this Komodo dragon. The Cobra had been hitchhiking and the Komodo was nice enough to pick it up. But the snake, pretending to be nice at first, tried killing the Komodo. I’m surprised the Komodo hasn’t eaten the snake yet. The Komodo doesn’t seem to be in pain, but it’s not doing anything to get out of this situation either. A venomous cobra leaves its lair, drawn to the scent of hatching crocodile eggs. When it comes upon the nest, the Cobra discovers another predator is already on the premises. A monitor lizard stands his ground and isn’t going to give the Cobra an inch without a fight.
He tells the snake it’s “finders keepers”, even though the snake is venomous, it doesn’t bother the reptile. They both size each other up and then try to intimidate the other by increasing their size. The cobra is poised to strike, and with that, the monitor lizard retreats, but not before taking a parting shot at the Cobra. The Cobra has the egg dinner all to itself, only the shells are empty. The monitor lizard has the last laugh this time. The battle was over even before it began. This King Cobra attacks this monitor lizard and eventually injects its venom into the lizard, before swallowing it whole starting with the lizard’s head.
Python Vs Leopard
This leopard is no longer the lone assassin on the loose. There's a new dangerous animal on the loose, and it's approaching. The leopard returns home when the hunt fails and calls her youngster, but there is no response. Something isn't right. The leopard recognizes the killer in less than a second, an African rock python. As she attacks her cub's killer, the female leopard puts her own life in jeopardy. The python hides among the thorns, but the leopard is undeterred. Her perseverance comes off at long last. The leopard is ready for the following round after the injured python finally moves. She waits until the python exits the cave. But there isn't a fight. The snake is forced to give up its well-earned meal due to a built-in reflex.
When pythons are under duress, they regurgitate their meal to shed the excess weight and make a quick escape. The leopard has given up the attack and has discovered her dead cub, which the python has left behind. These two leopards appear to have discovered something wriggling in the undergrowth in this video. A closer look reveals it to be a python. Cats will constantly tap on something they are unfamiliar with, whether it is a huge cat or a domestic cat, just to get an idea of what it is. One of these leopards then rolls around on the floor, as if it wants to play with the python, but it quickly understands the python is not a toy and bolts.

Incredible Battles Involving Large Snakesanimalssnake