The Key Element ALL Manifestation Comes Down To | Mark Passio (Cause & Effect)
Published at : October 09, 2021
Speaker: Mark Passio
#LawOfAttraction #UntoldTruth #NaturalLaw
New age teachers will deny this reality. It's far easier to sell online courses through a sense of false hope, selling the path of least resistance and the most reward, than it is to teach the cold hard truth. As the age old adage goes "The Truth Hurts"
You may have been taught you can have whatever you want simply by "believing you will receive it" or "by seeing it your mind, you can hold it in your hand"
These are merely half truths. Truth is that it all STARTS in the mind. Key word being "Starts"
The same way building muscle all starts with a decision to join the gym. No one ever built one gram of muscle signing up to a gym, although many champions have been made by sweat and iron.
No one ever made a cent by believing they would be rich, although millions have made millions by consistent daily action toward the pursuit of their vision. Most millionaires go broke and fail miserably many times before ever tasting true wealth.
To the people who tell you to refuse to accept the truth told in this video, I ask you to look at the fruit of their life. You will never meet a millionaire who tells you they manifested their money with mind and emotion alone, unless they're trying to sell you their magical wealth creation course, that is ;)
"law of attraction", "Mark Passio", "natural law", "seven hermetic principals", "cause and effect"
#LawOfAttraction #UntoldTruth #NaturalLaw
New age teachers will deny this reality. It's far easier to sell online courses through a sense of false hope, selling the path of least resistance and the most reward, than it is to teach the cold hard truth. As the age old adage goes "The Truth Hurts"
You may have been taught you can have whatever you want simply by "believing you will receive it" or "by seeing it your mind, you can hold it in your hand"
These are merely half truths. Truth is that it all STARTS in the mind. Key word being "Starts"
The same way building muscle all starts with a decision to join the gym. No one ever built one gram of muscle signing up to a gym, although many champions have been made by sweat and iron.
No one ever made a cent by believing they would be rich, although millions have made millions by consistent daily action toward the pursuit of their vision. Most millionaires go broke and fail miserably many times before ever tasting true wealth.
To the people who tell you to refuse to accept the truth told in this video, I ask you to look at the fruit of their life. You will never meet a millionaire who tells you they manifested their money with mind and emotion alone, unless they're trying to sell you their magical wealth creation course, that is ;)
"law of attraction", "Mark Passio", "natural law", "seven hermetic principals", "cause and effect"

law of attractionhow to manifest moneyhow to manifest wealth