Extend Tech aka Novimaxx WiFi Booster - does it actually boost Internet speed or reviews lie?
Published at : November 17, 2021
Looking for reviews of Novimaxx Wifi Booster also known as Extend Tech, Superboost Super Booster, UltraXtend, Extend Tecc or Wayaya. Then this video will help you to understand whether this Internet booster actually works or not! I tested it at my house with my TP-link WiFi router on different distances and with different obstacles to see if it will make my WiFi speed faster and whether it’ll give a boost to up to 150 Mbps! Also I tried it as a WiFi range extender to see how it will increase the effective distance of my WiFi connection. The result of my tests you’ll see in the video, so I hope you’ll like it!

Extend Technovimaxx reviewsExtend Tecc