Goku FINALLY Meets Pikkon Again 10 Years Later

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Published at : November 13, 2021

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There have been a ton of cool fighters that Goku has met during his time in Dragon Ball, some in the canon story and some in filler. But no character has left more of a lasting impact on fans in their short appearance, than Pikkon the mystery warrior from the otherworld tournament. #pikkon #goku

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Thumbnail credit: Created by my personal artist, @Barkarott
This is a paid commission and NOT for reuse.
Read Manga Yourself: http://bit.ly/downloadmanga
Music Credit: Covers by PokeMixr and Saiyan Enigma.

This is fan made project which uses ZERO materials or assets from any third party. This is comprised of individual sketches/fan art of characters, narrated over by a single voice actor (CALLMEARJ) who is telling an imaginative and completely original story. All illustrations and music used are unofficial and produced specifically for use in these fan driven videos comprised of simple illustrations, subtitles and narration. These stories involve heavily exaggerated moments which are comedic and parody the subject, with numerous jokes hidden throughout.

Watch Bardock Finally Sees Goku's Super Saiyan Form Video: https://youtu.be/rMMrkqoQXlI

Watch Dragon Ball Super KAI - The Movie: https://youtu.be/_Zp2GQzTxIs

Watch Dragon Ball Super TR - The Movie (Goku Fights A NEW God of Destruction) Video: https://youtu.be/U3XDEmbGjk4

Dragon Ball Super U6 - The Movie (Goku Trains Caulifla And Cabba) Video: https://youtu.be/hXBxz-2kriU

Watch Goku And Ultra Instinct Vegeta Finally Team Up, Zen's Power Unleashed! Dragon Ball Super TR PART 5 Video: https://youtu.be/-ennsIPqzNY

Watch Goku Trains Caulifla To Her LIMIT! Dragon Ball Super U6 PART 4 Video: https://youtu.be/1plVRfyY6PQ

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Watch Dragon Ball Super Season 2 (2020 COMPLETE Update) Video: https://youtu.be/STEDwPBqWVs

Watch Goku's Return To Super Saiyan 4 Video: https://youtu.be/yCYhznY8-Dw

Watch Vegeta's New Arc Video: https://youtu.be/6k1bwW9iVxw Goku FINALLY Meets Pikkon Again 10 Years Later
dragon ball supergokupikkon