Hashiras + Tanjirou react to Kimetsu Radio! [Read desc for proper credits!!]

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Published at : November 29, 2021

aaa oh my god i'm really sorry! this was going to be 5+minutes long but i lost ideas on how to make them react :') sorry aaa
also.. i'm going to make the hashiras react to eachother! (may include some manga spoilers)
just wait for it to come!!
Video Link Credits:
1.) ✓ https://youtu.be/Owq8a4VfCXU
2.) ✓ https://youtu.be/KDH7VL39vZo
Videos made and translated by :
Hoshi S on youtube ⤵️
pls subscribe to the one who made it!!
i have one more kimetsu radio vid but i'll use it as a break for the hashiras after looking at the manga spoilers xd Hashiras + Tanjirou react to Kimetsu Radio! [Read desc for proper credits!!]
gacha reactHashiras reactDemon Slayer React