How Did Combat Become So Important in Dungeons and Dragons?

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Published at : November 02, 2021

Ever wonder why 90% of the rules for Classes are focused on combat, and nothing else? Well, let's look into that and take a little trip into the history of why Combat is so important for Dungeons and Dragons!

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Hello! My name is Jay, and I am a long-time veteran of storytelling and a semi-seasoned DM! I began playing Dungeons and Dragons roughly 5 years ago and began my first ever game as the DM. I figured things out by watching online games and fumbling my way through the rules, and never looked back! I've fallen in love with TTRPG's in general and want to share my experience and thoughts with the world and community I love so much. I currently DM two separate games regularly, and continue to learn every day.

Play Your Role is a project with the intention of helping inspire and coach players and DM’s alike to add story beats and dramatic moments into their games through basic writing concepts, interesting player character inspirations, and discussions on how to effectively roleplay in a way that helps (not hinders) everyone else's roleplay at the table!

• Dungeons and Dragons

• Combat 5e

• Tabletop Roleplay

• DND5e



• Roleplay Games


🔎 SCRIPT EXCERPT: (This isn't important, just stuff for the algorithm) 🔎

It's kind of weird, isn't it? That combat is so important and so focused on when it comes to Jensen. I mean at the end of the day, Dungeons and dragons is a role playing game, right? Role-playing it's about putting yourself in the role of a different character. You think with that concept, it would be more focused on social interaction, exploration, really focusing on figuring out who your character is, you know, role-playing so why is it that combat is such a large focus of the game?

I mean, the fact of the matter is when people talk about Dungeons and dragons, there's two things that they typically end up talking. One. Okay. Here's my character. And here's the cool stuff that's going on in the campaign, which I love hearing about by the way. And then two, here's my character in the build that I'm playing.

Here's the combat that happened here. You know what happened in all the combat encounters? Isn't it weird that that's, what's focused on in a role-playing game that supposedly has three pillars, social interactions, exploration, and cosmetic counters combat is so important. So why is that? Why has that become such a core part of this game and something that's so many books focused on.

I mean, at the end of the day, the largest portion of the rules, that classes. Are almost entirely focused on combat. I mean, the majority of them about 95% is only combat. So why is that? Well, let's talk about. So when approaching these kinds of topics, it's inevitable and entirely unavoidable that I have to talk about earlier. How Did Combat Become So Important in Dungeons and Dragons?
5th editioncharacter creationd&d 5th edition