NEW Fuel Treatment Experiment - More Additives!
Published at : November 18, 2021
In Taryl's new updated fuel treatment experiment, he added 4 more popular additives many of you suggested in the last experiment and also is going to try a different approach this time. This time he's going to let them sit for 6 months before attempting to start them, then will go another 4 months for a total of 10 months sitting. Will they start?
He also added 1 Tecumseh engine with a different style carburetor. This carb has the main jet on the bottom of the float bowl instead of up higher like on the Subaru engines. Will this make a difference?? Check it all out here for all the details and updates and be sure to check back in 6 months in May 2022 for the followup to see the conclusion. And as always... There's Your Dinner!!
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He also added 1 Tecumseh engine with a different style carburetor. This carb has the main jet on the bottom of the float bowl instead of up higher like on the Subaru engines. Will this make a difference?? Check it all out here for all the details and updates and be sure to check back in 6 months in May 2022 for the followup to see the conclusion. And as always... There's Your Dinner!!
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Grass Rats Garage Theme Music Available!!
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