POV: You're stuck at the kids' table on Thanksgiving

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Published at : November 25, 2021

POV: You're stuck at the kids' table on Thanksgiving. Nothing says family like fighting a five-year-old for the last piece of cornbread.

This video was shot with a very limited crew. All cast & crew followed all CDC and California COVID-19 precautions and filming guidelines.

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Courtney Miller // https://www.instagram.com/co_mill/
Shayne Topp // https://www.instagram.com/shaynetopp/
Olivia Sui // https://www.instagram.com/oliviasui/
Keith Leak Jr. // https://www.instagram.com/keithleakjr/

Director: Ryan Finnerty
Written By: Patrick McDonald, Paul Heredia, Olivia Sui, Keith Leak Jr., Shayne Topp, & Courtney Miller
Editor: Mike Small
Executive Producer: Ryan Finnerty
Production Manager: Alicia Gaynor
Production Coordinator: Jacqi Jones
Production Assistant: Heidi Ha
DP: Brennan Iketani
Camera Operator: Vida Robbins
Sound Mixer: Greg Jones
Art Director: Cassie Vance 
Assistant Art Director: Tayler Nicholson
Assistant Art Director: Haleah DeMio
Art Assistant: Alex Aguilar
Wardrobe: Katie Workman
Assistant Editor/DIT: Matt Duran
GFX: Brittany Metz
GFX: Winton Foulds
Content Manager: Kiana Parker
Stage Manager: David Hill


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