💼 Create a Responsive Mini Portfolio Website Design Using HTML CSS & JavaScript

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Published at : April 02, 2022

How to make a responsive personal mini portfolio website design using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. With a user profile card style. Along with css animations and dark light theme. Developed first with the Mobile First methodology, then for desktop.

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📁 Assets
Icons: https://remixicon.com/
Fonts: https://fonts.google.com/
GitHub: https://github.com/bedimcode/responsive-watches-website
ScrollReveal: https://scrollrevealjs.org/
Dopely colors: https://colors.dopely.top/color-pedia

🔗 Source code

☝ How to download the project
- Click on the GitHub link
- Click the green button (code)
- Click Download ZIP
- Extract the project to the desired location

👨‍💻 Start project from scratch

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⏱ Timestamps
0:00 Intro Responsive Mini Portfolio
2:03 Project Setup
4:08 Variables CSS
6:21 Reset HTML & Reusable CSS Classes
08:06 Header Profile
26:13 Filters tabs
27:08 Projects
36:24 Skills
00:50:10 Footer
00:51:15 Scroll Bar
00:52:32 Dark/Light Theme
00:58:58 Breakpoints
01:07:45 ScrollReveal Animation
01:11:07 Change Color To Project
01:13:40 Final Project

Profile pictures

🎥 Video how to use Sass in projects

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#portfoliohtmlcss #portfoliowebsite #bedimcode 💼 Create a Responsive Mini Portfolio Website Design Using HTML CSS & JavaScript
responsive portfolio websitecreate responsive portfolio websitehow to make a responsive portfolio website