West Asia QUAD: India, Israel, US, UAE pact to take big leap during Biden’s Tel Aviv visit I Details
Published at : June 19, 2022
The first meeting of the India, Israel, US and UAE leaders' summit will take place next month during Joe Biden's in person visit to Tel Aviv. The US President will be in West Asia from July 13th to July 16th with stops in Israel, the West Bank, and Saudi Arabia. The new grouping of the 4 countries is known as I2U2 with I standing for India, Israel and U for US, UAE. The grouping is sometime referred to as the West Asian Quad. So far, the I2U2 has met only at foreign minister's level; the first meet was in October last year. Watch this report to know more about West Asia Quad.
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#westasiaquad #quadmeeting #india #israel #usa #unitedstates #uae #joebiden #i2u2 #summit #tradetalks #foodsecurity #foodcrisis #uspresidentjoebiden
