Building the 7M is the tougher path, but can be very rewarding.
Published at : January 06, 2023
My first 7M build in 2015. It would have gone great if the machine shop knew what a straight edge was and how to use it. Unfortunately at the time, I didn't either.
I trusted the professionals to do their job correctly and never questioned their work, and never checked it, which led to a whole slew of problems that ultimately caused me to become so discouraged that I let this car sit for about 4 years, which.... totally destroyed me. And made me feel like I absolutely sucked at my job, "If my Toyota that I built doesn't run, who am I to think I can fix other people's?!" which I'm sure ultimately held me back mentally.
One of my biggest flaws is trusting other industry professionals blindly, and it has caused me a few issues over my career that have resulted in years of baseless self blame. -- that's not to say that I don't deserve to beat myself up over dumb stuff I've done -- I've made plenty of my own stupid mistakes, too!! Haha.
But even though I often look back on this time, and how amazing it would have been to have enjoyed this car more, how incredible it would have been to have made it to Vegas that year, and how angry I get at the machine shop for messing up so badly, and how I spent so long saving up for that and taking on side work and extra jobs to pay for my engine to be machined flat and my head built..... if that all didn't go wrong, I also wouldn't be where I'm at now. Sometimes I think that this car was put into my life to level me up.
Everything that could go wrong has gone wrong, but instead of running from it like I have previously, I'm confronting it head-on and allowing myself to fully embrace the lesson. This car has made me a better technician for sure. That's why I had to save this audio from a Facebook post made by Aaron of Driftmotion (with his permission!!) "the 7M is a harder path to take, but it's very rewarding"
Yes. It has been a hard path, but it has been VERY rewarding.
Equipment I use for filming:
Phone: https://amzn.to/3xUkvFd
Camera: https://amzn.to/3EAuhyp
Tripod: https://amzn.to/3EBYtJr
Drone: https://amzn.to/38DgR8P
IG: @pistonsandpixiedust
FB: @pistonsandpixiedust
TikTok: @FayeHadleyOfficial
Twitter: @SupraFaye
I trusted the professionals to do their job correctly and never questioned their work, and never checked it, which led to a whole slew of problems that ultimately caused me to become so discouraged that I let this car sit for about 4 years, which.... totally destroyed me. And made me feel like I absolutely sucked at my job, "If my Toyota that I built doesn't run, who am I to think I can fix other people's?!" which I'm sure ultimately held me back mentally.
One of my biggest flaws is trusting other industry professionals blindly, and it has caused me a few issues over my career that have resulted in years of baseless self blame. -- that's not to say that I don't deserve to beat myself up over dumb stuff I've done -- I've made plenty of my own stupid mistakes, too!! Haha.
But even though I often look back on this time, and how amazing it would have been to have enjoyed this car more, how incredible it would have been to have made it to Vegas that year, and how angry I get at the machine shop for messing up so badly, and how I spent so long saving up for that and taking on side work and extra jobs to pay for my engine to be machined flat and my head built..... if that all didn't go wrong, I also wouldn't be where I'm at now. Sometimes I think that this car was put into my life to level me up.
Everything that could go wrong has gone wrong, but instead of running from it like I have previously, I'm confronting it head-on and allowing myself to fully embrace the lesson. This car has made me a better technician for sure. That's why I had to save this audio from a Facebook post made by Aaron of Driftmotion (with his permission!!) "the 7M is a harder path to take, but it's very rewarding"
Yes. It has been a hard path, but it has been VERY rewarding.
Equipment I use for filming:
Phone: https://amzn.to/3xUkvFd
Camera: https://amzn.to/3EAuhyp
Tripod: https://amzn.to/3EBYtJr
Drone: https://amzn.to/38DgR8P
IG: @pistonsandpixiedust
FB: @pistonsandpixiedust
TikTok: @FayeHadleyOfficial
Twitter: @SupraFaye
