Everyone Is Drawing Nearer to his/her God.... Rapture Gets Closer

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Published at : February 25, 2023

Satanic worship out in the open.... Revivals of repentance popping up. What is going on? It is Elijah's Mt Carmel shadowing the days before the Rapture. We are sooo close!
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Jimmy Root is your host for Last Days Awakening and
Pastor of Freedom Church of St Joseph, Missouri

email me at jimmyrootjr@gmail.com

Check out my Prophetic Fiction Thriller series from Amazon Kindle
called....The Lightning Chronicles... Israel and the USA have been devastated by nuclear terror, all at the hands of the Iranian regime. Russia is behind it all. War is fast approaching. Join Pastor Ty Dempsey and Israeli F-16 Fighter pilot, Moshe Eldan as they rush headlong toward the Gog of Magog war.

Distant Thunder Book One of The Lightning Chronicles

Magog Rising Book Two of The Lightning Chronicles

Then Comes Lightning Book Three of the Lightning Chronicles
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RaptureJesus MessiahJacobs Trouble